A finalist of the 2016 Global Cleantech Innovation Programme for SMEs in South Africa (GCIP-SA) won the City of Joburg’s GreenCityStartup, an initiative by the city in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg and Resolution Circle.

Ducere Holdings won R1-million for their MISER® Hydraulic Hybrid Transmission, on top of the R250 000 that the eight finalists received from the City of Joburg.

“The MISER® Hydraulic Hybrid Transmission recaptures lost kinetic energy, stores and reuses it. It stores the energy in a hydraulic accumulator where the energy is stored as compressed gas,” says André Reyneke, managing director of Ducere Holdings.

“This accumulator stores energy from both engine optimisation and regenerative braking. The engine only runs at best efficiency and any excess energy is also diverted to the accumulator. This stored energy is then used to propel the vehicle either on its own or along with the existing engine.”

Reyneke says the computerised MISER® management system decides which power source to use, given the particular requirements at that time and that the system is aimed primarily at heavy-duty vehicles, the worst polluters.

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme for SMEs in South Africa (GCIP-SA) is implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with funding by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In South Africa UNIDO partners with the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) as the execution and hosting institution for the GCIP, while the US-based Cleantech Open serves as the main knowledge partner of the global programme.

“The aim of the Green City Startup initiative is to unearth creative entrepreneurs that live in our city and want to make it greener and create jobs,” says Ravi Naidoo, executive director of economic development at the City of Joburg. The initiative focuses on the fields of building, energy water, transport and waste.

“We want Jozi citizens to be conscious of creating a greener city as they live, work and play here,” he says.

This initiative of the Green Challenge Fund was developed by the City of Johannesburg, in partnership with the University of Johannesburg and Resolution Circle, the university’s technology commercialisation company and incubator.

Last year’s GreenCityStartup winner was Paseka Lesolang, another GCIP-SA alumnus. He was a runner-up in the 2014 GCIP-SA with his WHC Leak-Less Valve that prevents up to 70% of the water loss in the case of a toilet leak.

For more information:

Réhann Coetzee, mcrCOMMUNICATE
071 816 3959