The patented MISER® technology incorporates new electric and hydraulic low-cost and more efficient
ersions of propulsion to compliment and reshape the way the world seeks to do green transportation.

Ducere Holdings is a company specialising in efficient energy use in a range from small passenger vehicles to complex large commercial vehicles through the development of energy recovery and deployment technologies.
Our current focus is specific to the automotive sector. We develop energy-efficient products for the transmission of vehicles of all sizes. These are both electric and hydraulic solutions but are all hybrid, so they are not EVs but rather HEVs/HHVs/HHEVs. We also do purpose-specific developments, working as a consulting engineering firm. An example is a current project for unmanned, remote-controlled vehicles.
The MISER® hybrid propulsion system is unique to the automotive sector, initially designed for trucks but equally applicable to the full spectrum of vehicles, even including large transport applications such as trains.

The patented MISER® system complements various other technologies aimed at:
At a lower cost and more effective, new electric and hydraulic versions of hybrid propulsion has been launched to reshape the way the world seeks to do green transport. We believe that HEVs/HHVs will still be playing a major part to get us to net zero over the medium term at least.
MISER® has the products to dramatically reduce fleet operating costs, using technology that offers various environmental benefits, including ecological benefits that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Saving on fuel and a significant reduction in carbon emissions is now possible thanks to this range of homegrown solutions.
MISER® remains an enabling technology for hybrid-powered vehicles and other forms of low-emission energy-generation systems – including, but not limited to, electric solutions. Our HTS product is currently under development and will eventually also include hydrogen variations.

Not replacing any of the existing drivetrain’s components or functionality – available on the local market – a hydraulic-propulsion unit that works with a heavy commercial vehicle’s existing drivetrain. A sophisticated microprocessor control system that ensures the best application of power from the existing drivetrain or through the MISER® unit, resulting in dramatically improved fuel consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and reduced strain on the existing drivetrain, therefore, a reduction in maintenance and general running costs of the vehicle.
Our HTS product is currently under development and will include hydrogen variations.

Aimed specifically at smaller passenger vehicles, Tri-MISER® combines smaller versions our hydraulic technology with a small electric motor and a “small internal-combustion engine”. Providing virtually zero emissions in town while still allowing long-distance travel when needed – without the limitations of current electrical solutions.

The next generation option for heavy commercial vehicles is the Hybrid Transmission System. This involves a simple conversion of the vehicle’s original gearbox and the fitment of the MISER technology system. HTS includes several additional advantages, such as a speed-summing mode that provides significant additional savings, and we expect a further 60% improvement on HKS’s efficiencies from HTS. It is specifically advantageous in highway-type driving cycles. HTS will also be incorporating the new MISER® gearbox as an integral part of its solutions.

Watch our Videos
What Is MISER®
André Reyneke explains what South African MISER® Technologies’ hybrid hydraulic technology does and how that brings benefits to the user.
MISER-HKS Explained
MISER-HKS is a hydraulic-propulsion unit that recovers lost kinetic energy and optimises the engine for all types and sizes of vehicles.