MISER® has the products to dramatically reduce fleet operating costs, using technology that offers various environmental benefits, including ecological benefits that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Saving on fuel and a significant reduction in carbon emissions is now possible thanks to this range of homegrown solutions.
Not replacing any of the existing drivetrain’s components or functionality – available on the local market – a hydraulic-propulsion unit that works with a heavy commercial vehicle’s existing drivetrain. A sophisticated microprocessor control system that ensures the best application of power from the existing drivetrain or through the MISER® unit, resulting in dramatically improved fuel consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and reduced strain on the existing drivetrain, therefore, a reduction in maintenance and general running costs of the vehicle.
Our HTS product is currently under development and will include hydrogen variations.
Aimed specifically at smaller passenger vehicles, Tri-MISER® combines smaller versions our hydraulic technology with a small electric motor and a “small internal-combustion engine”. Providing virtually zero emissions in town while still allowing long-distance travel when needed – without the limitations of current electrical solutions.
The next generation option for heavy commercial vehicles is the Hybrid Transmission System. This involves a simple conversion of the vehicle’s original gearbox and the fitment of the MISER technology system. HTS includes several additional advantages, such as a speed-summing mode that provides significant additional savings, and we expect a further 60% improvement on HKS’s efficiencies from HTS. It is specifically advantageous in highway-type driving cycles. HTS will also be incorporating the new MISER® gearbox as an integral part of its solutions.
More efficient than competing systems due to only one pump/motor running and no parasitic pump charging at any time.