MISER® has the products to dramatically reduce fleet operating costs, using technology that offers various environmental benefits, including ecological benefits that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Saving on fuel and a significant reduction in carbon emissions is now possible thanks to this range of homegrown solutions.

Not replacing any of the existing drivetrain’s components or functionality – available on the local market – a hydraulic-propulsion unit that works with a heavy commercial vehicle’s existing drivetrain. A sophisticated microprocessor control system that ensures the best application of power from the existing drivetrain or through the MISER® unit, resulting in dramatically improved fuel consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and reduced strain on the existing drivetrain, therefore, a reduction in maintenance and general running costs of the vehicle.
Our HTS product is currently under development and will include hydrogen variations.

Aimed specifically at smaller passenger vehicles, Tri-MISER® combines smaller versions our hydraulic technology with a small electric motor and a “small internal-combustion engine”. Providing virtually zero emissions in town while still allowing long-distance travel when needed – without the limitations of current electrical solutions.

The next generation option for heavy commercial vehicles is the Hybrid Transmission System. This involves a simple conversion of the vehicle’s original gearbox and the fitment of the MISER technology system. HTS includes several additional advantages, such as a speed-summing mode that provides significant additional savings, and we expect a further 60% improvement on HKS’s efficiencies from HTS. It is specifically advantageous in highway-type driving cycles. HTS will also be incorporating the new MISER® gearbox as an integral part of its solutions.

MISER Key Capabilities


  • MISER-HKS is our current offering available to the market specific to heavy duty vehicles as an aftermarket retrofit option utilising efficient regenerative braking and our industry leading engine optimisation.

  • Significant fuel saving.

  • Significant reduction of emissions.

  • Overall lower cost of ownership for the vehicle/fleet owner.

  • Aggressive ROI periods allowing improved bottom lines.

  • Cutting edge hybrid solutions under development including hydraulic-electric and ICE-hydraulic-electric.

  • Future developments including solar-wind-utilities and very large transport (trains, mining, etc) solutions using the MISER® technology.

  • We have shown excellent results with MISER-HKS, achieving fuel savings in excess of 25% in certain drive cycles and significant emission reduction. Targeted fuel savings are 20% for highway use and 25% for city/urban use.

  • In the 1Q2020, a project commenced using hydraulic and electric systems. It is our belief that we can demonstrate that hydraulics will significantly improve operations and efficiency for electric vehicles.

  • This new project – called TRI-MISER – aimed specifically at smaller passenger vehicles, combines our hydraulic version with other power sources. We believe this could potentially have a significant technological and market impact as it incorporates a new way of thinking, providing virtually zero emissions in town but would still allow you to travel long distances when needed – without the limitations of current electrical solutions.

  • The development of MISER-HTS is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the 3Q2023. Expectations are improved fuel saving and emission reduction of 60%  better than what MISER-HKS is currently achieving.

MISER Key Advantages


More efficient than competing systems due to only one pump/motor running and no parasitic pump charging at any time.

  • Mechanically simpler than competing systems due to fewer working parts.
  • The application includes a comprehensive vehicle range – from smaller cars to the very largest earthmoving vehicles.
  • Applicable to all drive cycles.
  • Fully automated.
  • Limited change to current vehicle manufacturing infrastructure.
  • Applies to petrol-, diesel- and electric-powered vehicles.
  • Our open-loop-over-centre hydraulic pump delivers some significant advantages!